Why Are Ron Paul’s Supporters So Angry?

Chuck Baldwin
January 29, 2008

When Glenn Beck interviewed Congressman Ron Paul a few weeks ago, he said that he had received death threats from people purporting to be Ron Paul supporters. I have heard other journalists make similar accusations against Congressman Paul’s supporters. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether any of this is true or not. And neither does anyone else.

My own experience has been that Congressman Paul’s supporters have always demonstrated grace, patience, and courtesy. I have met and worked alongside Ron Paul supporters in at least four states, and I have never personally witnessed any of the anger and bitterness of which they are accused.

Not that Ron Paul’s supporters do not have reason to be angry. They most certainly do. In fact, all of us should be angry.

Ron Paul’s supporters have been subjected to the most overt and outlandish brand of humiliation and censorship ever seen in modern politics. The cable news Republican Presidential debates have been jokes. For every one question (and usually a stupid, irrelevant question at that) asked of Dr. Paul, the other participants will get three or four. Maybe more. Even though Ron Paul has received more money, more votes, and more delegates than Rudy Giuliani, the press continues to ignore Mr. Paul while showering Giuliani with coverage.

In addition, Ron Paul’s own party continues to treat him and his supporters as second-class citizens–or perhaps even as aliens from a different planet. They are subjected to insults of every type. Not to mention enduring every conceivable method to censure or remove Dr. Paul from the political process. He has been denied access to platforms, excluded from debates, removed from GOP Presidential lists, etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

I say again: if anyone has a right to be angry, it is Ron Paul supporters. But perhaps the greater question is, Why are not all of us angry? No, I do not mean in a cruel or unkind way, but where is our outrage for what the ruling elite are doing to our country?

We should all be angry at the way politicians lie to us, deceive us, and manipulate us. We should all be angry at the way both major parties have completely ignored and trampled constitutional government.

Are we so gullible that we cannot see when a politician says one thing to one group of people and a totally opposite thing to another group of people? Are we so naïve that we cannot tell when a politician changes his beliefs simply in order to garner votes?

Come on folks, let’s get real: do you really expect John McCain to abandon his efforts to grant amnesty to illegal aliens? Do you really expect Mitt Romney to be a champion for the unborn? Do you really expect Mike Huckabee to suddenly be the champion for limited government spending? Do you really expect Rudy Giuliani to keep his pants zipped?

Have the American people become so numbed to truth and reality that we cannot distinguish the genuine from the phony–even when it stands right in front of us? Perhaps so. However, if the American people had any of the character and resolve of our forebears, we would be steaming mad about what our political and business leaders have done to our country.

Yes, we should be angry at the way our government has repeatedly lied to us about the economy, about sending our jobs and manufacturing industries overseas, about Iraq, and about EVERYTHING! Yes, dear friends, they lie to us about everything. It has gotten to the point that, frankly, I believe NOTHING the government tells us. They have proven themselves to be totally disingenuous and downright duplicitous. And, frankly, I’m angry about it.

In addition, I can even understand whatever anger and exasperation Ron Paul’s supporters feel regarding my fellow evangelical believers. Today’s Christians–and especially our pastors–have become little more than toadies for the establishment elite. They apparently have never read our U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence, or Bill of Rights. They are seemingly oblivious to our great American history and heritage. They seem to lack the most elementary understanding of even the most basic American principles.

For example, it makes absolutely no sense that Christian pastors would embrace the sudden pro-life candidacy of Mitt Romney and reject the proven, twenty-year pro-life record of Ron Paul. It makes no sense that evangelical Christians would embrace the pro-illegal amnesty, pro-McCain/Feingold, pro-No-Child-Left-Behind, pro-gun control John McCain and reject the proven, twenty-year no-amnesty, pro-freedom, anti-No-Child-Left-Behind, pro-Second Amendment record of Ron Paul. It makes absolutely no sense that Christians would fall for Mr. Big Government himself, Mike Huckabee, and reject the champion of limited government, Ron Paul.

Beyond that, how is it that pastors and evangelicals cannot see through the GOP’s complicity in helping to establish a Luciferian New World Order? How can they be so blind and dumb regarding the global machinations of the Council on Foreign Relations? How can they not understand and reject the philosophy emanating from the Trilateral Commission and Bilderbergers?

Ask the average pastor and Christian about the CFR, the Trilateralists, or the Bilderbergers and they just stare into space. They are absolutely clueless. Ask them about the burgeoning NAFTA superhighway, North American Union, or Amero and they look stupefied. Again, they are absolutely clueless. And, yes, I am angry about it. I am saddened and angered at the lack of knowledge, perception, and discernment demonstrated by my Christian brethren.

I believe with all my heart that if the pastors and Christian people of America would come off their high horse and start supporting the principles of liberty, the U.S. Constitution, and limited government, not only would there be a rebirth of freedom in America, there would be a spiritual revival as well.

As it is, freedom-loving people cannot see past the ignorance, elitism, and partisan phoniness of modern Christians in order that they might see Christ. The Scripture plainly says, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” (II Corinthians 3:17)

When America’s Colonial preachers and Christian people fought for liberty and independence, God gave us two Great Awakenings. I believe another Great Revival would come to America, if our Christians and pastors would stand on their hind legs and once again fight for liberty and independence. And, yes, I am also angry that they will not do that either.

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© Chuck Baldwin

 Chuck Baldwin is Founder-Pastor of Crossroads Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida. Dr. Baldwin is also the host of a lively, hard-hitting syndicated radio talk show  “Chuck Baldwin Live” This is a daily, one hour long call-in show and was the Constitution Party vice-presidential nominee in 2004.

To learn more about his radio talk show please visit his web site at: www.chuckbaldwinlive.com. When responding, please include your name, city and state

31 thoughts on “Why Are Ron Paul’s Supporters So Angry?

  1. […] WHY wrote an interesting post today onHere’s a quick excerptChuck Baldwin January 29, 2008 When Glenn Beck interviewed Congressman Ron Paul a few weeks ago, he said that he had received death threats from people purporting to be Ron Paul supporters. I have heard other journalists make similar accusations against Congressman Paul’s supporters. Of course, I have no way of knowing whether any of this is true or not. And neither does anyone else. My own experience has been that Congressman Paul’s supporters have always demonstrated grace, patience, and courtesy. I have met and worked alongside Ron Paul supporters in at least four states, and I have never personally witnessed any of the anger and bitterness of which they are accused. Not that Ron Paul’s supporters do not have reason to be angry. They most certainly do. In fact, all of us should be angry. Ron Paul’s supporters have been subjected to the most overt and outlandish brand of humiliation and censorship ever seen […] […]

  2. The day that Ron Paul is elected the President of these United States of America will be the greatest single moment of freedom we have seen in over 200 years. We can put this country back on the right track. Freedom and liberty are not just pretty words but ideals worth working for and defending.

    “The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.”
    — Thomas Jefferson

    Ron Paul has defended our freedom with vigilance, now we need to help him save our country.

    Ron Paul for President 2008!

  3. […] delveintothedepths wrote an interesting post today on Why Are Ron Paulâs Supporters So Angry?Here’s a quick excerptWhen Glenn Beck interviewed Congressman Ron Paul a few weeks ago, he said that he had received death threats from people purporting to be Ron Paul supporters. I have heard other journalists make similar accusations against Congressman … […]

  4. I fear for our country given the the dismissive and excluding behavior toward Ron Paul. What will it take to even have a third party candidate given the respect that this decent man of integrity.

    I’ve been asking for years, “Where are the statesmen?” Now that we have one stepping up who dares to speak the truth and as you have said has a decades long history of value based service, I am grieved (and angry) to see him snubbed.

    What will it take to stop the destruction of our country for the greed of the global elite?

  5. While I appreciate your diligent attitude is making political changes in the United States, I must respond to your attacks on people supporting the global economy. Please allow me to explain further. I now live in your community but until recently I was employed by a Federal Judge in Washington DC. I have always loved our country and decided I could REALLY contribute if I were to be involved in legal decisions concerning the American family.

    While in DC two rules were immediately apparent, the economy drives all congressional decisions and those who control the money control the congress. At first, this was fact killed my enthusiasm for politics. Then the Judge and I went to the National Museum and read working notes from our fore-fathers. I found several letters where John Adams was begging for assistance from his inner circle because the United States owed so much money to other countries that we were about to be “foreclosed” on. Great Britain had realized that they could not win a war on our soil so they were making a new effort. They offered to buy our notes from the French and then could easily have control over our country in a different fashion.

    The intelligent leaders reached out to one man whom they felt could conquer this dilemna, Thomas Jefferson. Upon reviewing “Pay for Immigration” policies in Europe and Asia, he returned and became one of the leaders in founding Wall Street. Immigrants were able to come to our country, disembark from a boat, walk down a street from shop to shop, and buy interest in USA based companies (hence the term “Over the Counter” stock. When they got to the end of the street there was an immigration office where the showed their gains to obtain citizenship.

    This was America’s beginning into a global economy. Since that time American companies have been buying interest and stock in foreign lands and using their leverage to control and even pass laws in those countries. As the citizens of those areas became wealthier and better educated they began to do the same to us. Now we are at a point where only one of the top 5 oil producers are based in the states, Toyota has passed GM as the largest auto maker and most experts state that London will surpass New York as the financial capital of the world by the end of this year.

    In short, our country and our economy is owned by numerous entities from around the world. Do to so they simply learned from our practices in the past two centuries. If you truly want a closed border America then please be prepared to face the consequences. When all of the living Presidents were present for the signing of the NAFTA agreement it was for a purpose. They were showing the world that they understood our current situation and were saying thank you to countries such as Japan, China and Saudi Arabia for bailing our in-debted country out of trouble and not foreclosing on our notes.

    Whose to blame? Well that would be every leader since Wilson and that includes all the Congressional members. But it is futile to lay blame now. The best way for our contry to act is to have open trade and say Thanks to all the people around the world who still buy our goods and stock. Because if you decide to make our country an island, you will find that this small recession we are in now is nothing compared to a global depression.

  6. I respectfully disagree with Smithtown. The global economy is resulting in a disaster for middle class and working class American citizens. I do agree that lobbyists controls our policies which is the root of our problems.

    I would prefer to protect our workers. Maybe, I’m sensitive because I’m a software developer having to compete with workers from China and India making $5000 a year.

    I also can’t help but notice that every contstruction worker is Hispanic in Oklahoma. This change has occurred dramatically since the 1980s. Having to compete with third world citizens where there are no labor unions, etc… is not good for the working and middle class.

  7. “Every institution in which men are not increasingly occupied with the Word of God must become corrupt.”
    –Martin Luther

    Thank you for speaking clearly and plainly on this topic.

    Jeremiah 6:16

  8. You took the words right outta my head 🙂

    “I shall… return with joy to that state of things, when the only questions concerning a candidate shall be, is he honest? Is he capable? Is he faithful to the Constitution?”
    –Thomas Jefferson to a New Haven Committee, 1801. ME 10:273

  9. Just because you are a “Christian” doesn’t exempt you from voting for the other party. We can’t go with another 4 years of terror having already endured 8 years.

  10. This is a great article. I’m a Republican and I support Ron Paul, and I’ve had so many people (mostly over the internet) say that Ron Paul is a crazy old man without anything to even back it up. Even Republicans. They’re against anything that’s not “mainstream” politics.


    I will continue to support Ron Paul, however, I could never support John McCain, and considering Mitt Romney has possibly a better chance of beating him for the nomination than anyone else, I’ll end up supporting him too.

  11. The reality of politics is that Ron Paul is not mainstream Republican or Democrat and will/would not have a huge effect in either primary. My belief is and always has been that he would do far better as a third party candidate than in either of the two major political parties. But even then he lacks the support to crack into viable and electable numbers once the final votes were counted. Will that change in the future? Who knows, maybe, but even if so it will not be in the near future. I actually was and still am impressed by his ability to organize his fledgling campaign against status quo. But like most USAmericans I think his campaign is full of BS when he starts aligning himself with 9-11 truther statements. I realize a big part of your movement is Bilderberger driven. But you are not gong to find the average USAmerican or World Wide citizen interested in Bilderberger controversy. I am familiar with it and read about it and I love conspiracy theory, I am listening to the one of the king show of cult and conspiracy -Coast to Coast- as I write this piece, but Bildeberger is theory and speculation and mostly just another line of fear driven politics. It is only going to sell to those that believe in that particular fear. I like a majority of this country have more in the face fears to worry about Bilderberger. Which comes back to the theme of your post why are Ron Paul advocates seen as hostile.
    They are seen as hostile because, just like many other differently politically aligned followers, many of them are hostile and in attack mode. I often use the same attack modes myself on my own blog. Most Ron Paul visitors to my blog are cordial as true advocates. But the reason Ron Paul advocates are seen as overtly hostile is that many Paul visitors to the various blogs attempt to gang-bang on blog sites that disagree with the Ron Paul message. I can clearly say that it is those types of attempts at demeaning and hostility that spurs me to periodically put my blog on moderation mode. A hostile movement is going to have a lot harder time being taken seriously.

    The old adage that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar would be my recommendation to the Paul movement.

  12. Sigh. You actually had me until you started listing off conservative grievances. But let’s talk about when your argument was actually moving me to agree.

    I am no fan of Ron Paul, but the treatment “second tier” candidates receive in the news and in debates especially is egregious. It is something all of us, liberal, conservative… (even moderates, gah!) should join together and fight.

    I think there are a lot of allies out there waiting to hear what they can do to help win that fight.

  13. Either way…Ron Paul doesn’t stand a chance…that little publicized blurb on people who smoke a little marijuana was enough to seal his demise from any possible chance of gaining any notoriety with the most important electors.

  14. Let me by almeans clarify…Ron Paul by making the assumption that he could “defeat those pot smoking elders of the electorate” was a misrepresentation of a huge voting constituency of baby boomers who vote religiously. Ron Paul’s slight on this voting bloc of people, alienated so much of the constituancy that might have taken him seriously. Not only was it a misinformed representation, but a deliberate incipient way to bad mouth the voting bloc’s and while giving these particular people of this voting constituency he was in effect trying to appeal to young conservative “conservative” “conserservative” younger generations in a self righteous deviancy only to be rationaled as some latent and deliberate hositility that could only be an excuse of fracturing the very people who are saying they like what he is saying thereby yet again fracturing the up and coming younger voter…lending aid to the Republican party.

  15. Let me by almeans clarify…Ron Paul by making the assumption that he could “defeat those pot smoking elders of the electorate” was a misrepresentation of a huge voting constituency of baby boomers who vote religiously. Ron Paul’s slight on this voting bloc of people, alienated so much of the constituancy that might have taken him seriously. Not only was it a misinformed representation, but a deliberate incipient way to bad mouth the voting bloc’s and while giving these particular people of this voting constituency he was in effect trying to appeal to young conservative “conservative” “conserservative” younger generations in a self righteous deviancy only to be rationaled as some latent and deliberate hositility that could only be an excuse of fracturing the very people who are saying they like what he is saying thereby yet again fracturing the up and coming younger voter…lending aid to the Republican party.

  16. I concur , The median, while effective to keep this revolution going is sought…to much of the homogenization of societal trends and media are a poor surrogate for education, skills and jobs.

  17. …but I’ll tell you the agenda, first we fill America with all the malcontents of the world, then put a fence around it…funnel what’s left of the money out …move the rich and famous to somewhere in Europe…the bomb the crap out it…then birdbrain can start all over and do it rite this time…

  18. …you have to understand, innovation is just too pricey and nobody want s to pay an efficiency expert a million dollars. To top it all off…somebodies been spending my Carribean bank account…

  19. In defense of the Caananites, well…after they moved to the Mediterranean they became the Phoenician’s …those great sailors of the Mediterranean who also started a cottage industry by smashing untold numbers of Mediterranean snails…making the color purpura (purple)…and sold it to the egyptian’s…

  20. One other point, remember, the toga comes from the Etruscans…if they lost jobs, it was because of sub contracting for the fellers of trees in what would become known as Europe…but In defense of the Etruscans…you have to understand, if you want to be a party to the economy of means with other nations, you just might have to step down a few rungs from you epistomoligical ladder…

  21. This is exactly what happened on the CNN debate tonight. It is a travesty that the news networks can “decide” what candidates are “smart enough” for the presidential race!


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